April 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day

Last month, we did some great art projects for St. Patrick's Day!  It seems to come SO fast after Valentine's Day, and then before I know it, it's Easter!  After Christmas, is seems like the time flies...it's crazy!  Here are some of the fun things that we did to celebrate St. Patrick's Day:

Thank you parents for all that you do!!!

March 3, 2013

Dr. Seuss Day!

Thursday we got to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday!!!  I always LOVE celebrating this at school for 2 reasons.  1-I love Dr. Seuss.  I mean, who doesn't really?  And 2-his birthday is the day before mine, so it just makes it all the more exciting!  :)

This year I tried a few different things, and the kids seemed to have a good time with it.  We've been reading Dr. Seuss books every day for the last 2 weeks leading up to this special day.  Right after Valentine's Day, we started preparing for Dr. Seuss Day.  And now, it is time to prepare for St. Patrick's Day!  I always forget how crazy and busy this month is!

We read "There's A Wocket In My Pocket" and we made our own special creature to put in a pocket!  SO creative!

 We also made self portraits w/bow ties and Cat In The Hat hats.  In the hats, we put some rhyming words that are from some of his books.  Turned out SO cute!

 We sorted and counted colored gold fish!  We made tally marks, and made a graph to show how many of each color we had.  Then, we got to eat them while we watched a short cartoon of a Dr. Seuss story!

 Of course we had to make our very own cat in the hat hats.  They turned out SO cute and they really took their time for these!

 We always have to do our silly faces.
 They also got to bring their favorite Dr. Seuss story to read to the class.  If they didn't want to read it to the class, then I was more than happy to read it.  The kids LOVED this part and liked being the teacher for a few minutes.  They also did such a great job reading!  I have a class full of wonderful, growing readers!

We had a really fun day and are learning so much each and every day!  I have such a wonderful class and am so grateful to be their teacher.  They are such wonderful kids who really enjoy reading.  Thank you parents for everything you do at home!  It really shows at school too!  :)

February 24, 2013

Valentine's Day!

Earlier this month, we did our February calender.  They love doing these and they always take their time.  I love how they are each so unique!

 We made these as gifts to our parents for Valentine's Day.  "I love you to pieces!".  Again, they are SO unique and I LOVE that!  I love doing art with kids because you can truly see their personality through their art.

 This craft it always a fun one to do.  They are always so amazed at the arms/legs.  They did a GREAT job following directions to make them, and they all turned out so great!  Again, so unique.  :)

 On actual Valentine's Day, we cut out the letters that spell out "Valentines Day" and we tried to see how many different words we could make out of those letters.  They did a great job and I was AMAZED at some of the words they were making up!  They did a great job and loved this activity.

 For math on Valentine's Day, I gave each of them some conversation hearts, and we graphed how many of each color they had.  Then we got to eat them while we watched Charlie Brown.  :)

 The best part: passing out valentine's!

We also had a wonderful and very fun valentine's day party after we passed out our valentine's.  Thank you SO much to the parents that helped out with the party or brought treats!  You are TRULY wonderful and I am SO grateful to have you as parents.
Thank you SO MUCH for all that you do!!!